Saturday, January 18, 2025

Mid-January Ideas to Boost Your Photography

A Year Ago on Boost Your Photography is a twice-monthly post rounding up all the great content available on BYP that has been published during this same time of year, across the years. It's a quick way to catch up on content you may have missed, including seasonal and time-sensitive photography tips and ideas.

  • Valentines Photography Fun This round-up post contains details and links to a variety of our favorite Valentines-themed photography ideas including hearts, fire, bokeh, and ... of course ... roses!
  • Fun with Fizzy Fruit Photography. A great photography subject for an indoor day. With only basic supplies, you can easily create amazing fizzy fruit photographs using the tips in this article.

  • 5-Minute Heart-Shaped Bokeh. You too can create fun heart-shaped bokeh. All you need is 5 minutes, a 50 mm lens, and some paper ... Read the full post for the how to details.
      • Aspect Ratio: think of your crop before you shoot. Photography is not just about taking and enjoying pictures digitally, it is also about printing and displaying your favorite images. You need to know and understand aspect ratio even when shooting to make sure that you can print your images exactly the way you want them.

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      Saturday, January 4, 2025

      Ideas to Boost Your Photography in January

      A Year Ago on Boost Your Photography is a twice-monthly post rounding up all the great content available on BYP that has been published during this same time of year, across the years. It's a quick way to catch up on content you may have missed, including seasonal and time-sensitive photography tips and ideas.

      Missed any of our 12 Days of DSLR posts? You can catch them all here.

      • Boost Your Photography in the New Year. Great ideas for photography projects and resolutions to keep you shooting all year long. Find out about 365 projects, 52 weeks projects, the 100 strangers project, and more!
      • How to Freeze and Photograph Frozen Bubbles. This how to post walks you through the basics (and the difficulties!) of freezing and photographing bubbles. This is a great way to put a positive spin on your winter weather.

      • Then, take your knowledge of light a step further by Using Directional Light. Paying attention to the angle, direction, and quality of the light can make a huge impact in your images!
        • Series of Top 5 Posts. Check out these great collections of the "Top 5 Posts" across a range of photography styles and topics. Click on the images below to go to the full articles. 

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