We are breaking it down next month for the Boost Your Photography 52 Weeks Challenge. Join us to think about and shoot the building blocks of composition and design.
- Photography Collages: start a collection A collage can be a great way to display and share your photography. Think about a common topic, theme, or style that can unite your collage. This post includes further details and examples to inspire you.
- Photography Is .... What does photography mean to you? Read my reflection on how photography is timing, patience, and luck.
- Yes, Go Chasing Waterfalls. Tips, tricks, and all the advice you need to shoot successful waterfall photographs.
- Boost Your Photography: set a goal or challenge. Setting a personal photography goal is a great way to push yourself in your photography. This post lays out a variety of ideas for goals and challenges. Or, join the Boost Your Photography 52 Weeks Challenge and Google+ group and receive feedback on a weekly photograph.
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