Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Introducing Madison Camera Style

Looking for some inspirational or a cool new photo project? One of my friends in our local Photography Meetup Group just started a new blog called Madison Camera Style that you might find interesting.

Hi there. My name is Patrick Kuhl and I'm here to introduce my new blog Madison Camera Style. Lately, I have been doing a lot of black and white street photography and also experimenting more with film. To get more inspiration, I have been studying other people's work in this realm, and have been enjoying the perspectives of the people of Tokyo, Japan.

I eventually found, and devoured all of the archives of two sites called Japan Camera Hunter and Tokyo Camera Style. The man who runs Tokyo Camera Style, John Sypal, takes photos of the cameras he sees around Tokyo. He mostly focuses on film cameras there. He's able to do so easily because film photography is still quite popular there.

After discussing it with him via email, I then started up Madison Camera Style. My intent is to focus as much as I can on film photography as well, but that will probably be somewhat difficult, as digital SLRs are always popular here in Madison. Regardless, film is still alive and kicking, and I intend on enjoying and promoting it while I still can. I and my friends Adam and Caroline will be taking shots of people and their cameras, as well as film and film cameras in various shops, in and around Madison.

Hopefully you enjoy it!

Patrick Kuhl
Hosted on Tumblr, so you can follow us there too.
Connect with Patrick via Flickr or on Twitter as @patrickkuhl.
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