A Year Ago on Boost Your Photography is a twice-monthly post rounding up all the great content available on BYP that has been published during this same time of year, across the years. It's a quick way to catch up on content you may have missed, including seasonal and time-sensitive photography tips and ideas.
- 5 Tips for Better Flower Photographs. These five can't-miss tips will make dramatic improvements in your flower photographs, allowing you to stand out!
- Focus on Focus. An introduction to how to focus, including why to use a manual focus point, the difference in autofocus modes, and how and why to focus and recompose.
- Deciding Where to Focus. This follow-up post elaborates on the importance of knowing where to focus when shooting.
- Explaining Exposure and Exposure Compensation. Find out how and why to use exposure compensation to nail the exposure in your photograph.
- 5 Inspiring Ways to Display Photographs. This collection of posts and pins features great ideas and inspiring arrangements for displaying your images.
- Better Before and After Photographs. Before your next DIY project or room make-over, find out how to take great before and after photographs to really showcase your work.
- Rephotography: Dear Photograph. This rephotography project idea comes courtesy of the web site Dear Photograph. All you need is a set of older photographs and the time to return to the original location and match your your shot. Presto! (Read the full article for more details.)
- Why Won't My Lens Focus?. This first article in our occasional series for beginners zeros in on some common focus problems and offers straightforward advice and suggestions for immediate correction.
- Missed the Shot? Remember Camera Zero. This article covers the default settings (Camera Zero) that you should be using with your DSLR. Never miss a shot again by having your settings mixed up from your previous shooting. Use Camera Zero, and you will always know your camera's settings!
- Start a Series: from where I stand. This creative approach to selfies involves creating a collection of photographs where you include your feet for both context and scale. Read on for more ideas and inspiration!
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