
Monday, January 26, 2015

Top 10 Photography Ideas

Today's Top Post is double-your-money with a Top 10 of Most-Viewed Photography Ideas Posts. Previous top posts have  covered camera settingsapertureexposurephone photographyDIY photography hackscompositionlenses and accessories, and macro photography.

Top 10 Photography Ideas

  • Puddle Reflection Photography. This top-viewed post shares a simple trick for creating amazing photographs using a simple puddle. You will never look at even tiny puddles the same way again after seeing the 'behind the scenes' versions of these incredible images.

  • All about Bokeh. Bokeh or out-of-focus background lights is a highly coveted photography technique. This post explains exactly how to capture bokeh shots using natural light and everyday situations.

  • Yes, Go Chasing Waterfalls. Waterfalls are an incredibly fun photography subject. Find out how to capture incredible "silky" waterfall shots with this advice.

  • Fun with Fizzy Fruit Photography. Looking for a creative, indoor photography idea? Minimal and inexpensive supplies are all you need to capture fresh, bubbly, and bright fruit photographs.

Want more great ideas? Follow Boost Your Photography on Pinterest: Boost Your Photography

Boost Your Photography: Learn Your DSLR is now available from Amazon. Get the most out of your camera with practical advice about the technical and creative aspects of DSLR photography that will have you taking beautiful pictures right away.