
Saturday, September 29, 2018

A Year Ago on Boost Your Photography

A Year Ago on Boost Your Photography is a twice-monthly post rounding up all the great content available on BYP that has been published during this same time of year, across the years. It's a quick way to catch up on content you may have missed, including seasonal and time-sensitive photography tips and ideas.

  • Improve Your Fall Photography: Use a Circular Polarizer. 'Tis the season for fall colors (at least around here). If you want an easy way to improve your fall photography - and to really make those bright colors pop - consider investing in a circular polarizer. This post lays out all the details about how to choose and use a polarizer.

  • Easy Photography Upgrade: Get a Remote Shutter Release. For less than $10, you can buy a simple corded remote shutter release that will dramatically increase the range of photography and photography situations that you can capture. This post highlights the styles and subjects that can particularly benefit from a basic remote.

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